//SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
contract Casino {
struct ProposedBet {
address sideA;
uint value;
uint placedAt;
bool accepted;
} // struct ProposedBet
struct AcceptedBet {
address sideB;
uint acceptedAt;
uint randomB;
} // struct AcceptedBet
// Proposed bets, keyed by the commitment value
mapping(uint => ProposedBet) public proposedBet;
// Accepted bets, also keyed by commitment value
mapping(uint => AcceptedBet) public acceptedBet;
event BetProposed (
uint indexed _commitment,
uint value
event BetAccepted (
uint indexed _commitment,
address indexed _sideA
event BetSettled (
uint indexed _commitment,
address winner,
address loser,
uint value
// Called by sideA to start the process
function proposeBet(uint _commitment) external payable {
require(proposedBet[_commitment].value == 0,
"there is already a bet on that commitment");
require(msg.value > 0,
"you need to actually bet something");
proposedBet[_commitment].sideA = msg.sender;
proposedBet[_commitment].value = msg.value;
proposedBet[_commitment].placedAt = block.timestamp;
// accepted is false by default
emit BetProposed(_commitment, msg.value);
} // function proposeBet
// Called by sideB to continue
function acceptBet(uint _commitment, uint _random) external payable {
"Bet has already been accepted");
require(proposedBet[_commitment].sideA != address(0),
"Nobody made that bet");
require(msg.value == proposedBet[_commitment].value,
"Need to bet the same amount as sideA");
acceptedBet[_commitment].sideB = msg.sender;
acceptedBet[_commitment].acceptedAt = block.timestamp;
acceptedBet[_commitment].randomB = _random;
proposedBet[_commitment].accepted = true;
emit BetAccepted(_commitment, proposedBet[_commitment].sideA);
} // function acceptBet
// Called by sideA to reveal their random value and conclude the bet
function reveal(uint _random) external {
uint _commitment = uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_random)));
address payable _sideA = payable(msg.sender);
address payable _sideB = payable(acceptedBet[_commitment].sideB);
uint _agreedRandom = _random ^ acceptedBet[_commitment].randomB;
uint _value = proposedBet[_commitment].value;
require(proposedBet[_commitment].sideA == msg.sender,
"Not a bet you placed or wrong value");
"Bet has not been accepted yet");
// Pay and emit an event
if (_agreedRandom % 2 == 0) {
// sideA wins
emit BetSettled(_commitment, _sideA, _sideB, _value);
} else {
// sideB wins
emit BetSettled(_commitment, _sideB, _sideA, _value);
// Cleanup
delete proposedBet[_commitment];
delete acceptedBet[_commitment];
} // function reveal
} // contract Casino